Mohamed El Bahrawy

About Me

▪ Mr. Mohamed El-Bahrawy is an Entreprenurial and Driven self-made businessman inspired by family business in building floating facilities in Egypt since 1984
▪ After establishing his portfolio in various businesses worldwide, Mr. Mohamed decided to bring the unique and one of its king of luxurious experience from Egypt to Dubai.
▪ His inspiration and motivational mindset has lead him to proven fundraising and networking skills that are helping him to achieve his set goals.
▪ Mr. Mohamed is committed to creating sustainable future for his company, and the world emerging the newest and the latest methodologies.
▪ Mr. Mohamed is a facilitator and builder of the last and unique project management and development, with specialty in start-up and scaled growth stages, the most exclusive resortin the world.

12 Years of Experiences

Vector Smart Object

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